Chris aims to help people achieve financial security through owning and investing in real estate.

Chris is passionate about helping people understand the massive and nearly impossible challenge Americans face in trying to save for retirement. And he is even more passionate about sharing why real estate can allow someone to retire with no money worries, and to create wealth for the family that keeps growing. Does that sound too good to be true? It may sound too good to be true, but it’s all in the numbers.

Chris has a Bachelor’s of Science in Physics, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Loyola University Chicago. He has a very high level of understanding the math and the numbers.

Chris is a tenacious student. He invests his free time studying and practicing real estate investing, personal development, technology, and martial arts. He is a member of the Pacific West Association of Realtors.

Click HERE to learn more about Chris.


Office Phone: 562-924-6173

Mobile Phone: 714-335-9493


